Stand-up comedy has changed significantly over the years. The way comedians perform, build an audience, and earn a living is vastly different from what it was in the 1980s and 1990s. During the...
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Sketch Comedy Writing: Mastering the Art of Short-Form Comedy
Sketch comedy writing – it's like the sprinting event of the comedy world. Quick, punchy, and to the point, it packs a laugh in a matter of minutes, if not seconds. This article peels back the...
Writing on Stage: A Comedian’s Guide to Spontaneous Creativity
For many comedians, the stage is not just a platform for performance but a dynamic workspace where material is not only presented but created. Writing on stage is an exhilarating blend of...
Discovering Your Unique Comedic Voice: A Journey Worth Taking
For comedians, finding one's "voice" is akin to a musician mastering their instrument. It's about discovering that unique blend of tone, style, and perspective that sets you apart from the rest. But...
Every comedian, at some point in their career, faces the daunting challenge of playing to a dead room. It's that palpable silence, the lack of laughter, or the mere courtesy chuckles that make you...
The heart of every great joke lies in its punchline—the climactic phrase or sentence that delivers the laugh. A well-crafted punchline transforms a simple observation into a moment of humor,...