The world of comedy has had countless influential black comedians that have helped shape the art of stand-up. Many of these groundbreaking comedians have broken the mold to make us laugh. Let’s...
Dave Chapelle, Bill Burr, Kevin Hart – these are among the greatest comedians of our generation. They earn worldwide fame and millions of dollars from each of their stand up shows. If you think you...
Who says comedy doesn’t pay? Many comedians have honed their skills and become filthy rich by becoming actors, producers, and writers. Take a look at the ten wealthiest...
Believe it or not, being funny can be very profitable. Just take a look at actors, authors, comedians, and social media influencers. These people make millions of dollars, and it all stems from one...
If you are a confident comedian who always dreamed about entering an open mic, this article might influence you to get out of your house and start an open mic. There are tons of comedians...
You might not think it, but introverts can be frickin’ funny. You don’t have to be a loud, brash extrovert to make it in comedy. Here are five reasons why introverts are great comedians. They...