The Biggest Misconceptions People Have About Comedians

Being a standup comedian is a lot like being a magician. Everyone knows what they do but no one knows how. When people find out you are a standup comedian they start to assume some things. Here are the biggest misconceptions about comedians I have found.

  • Comedians Should Make People Laugh Anytime and Any Place
  • All Comedians Can Get A Netflix Special
  • All Comedians Are Actors
  • Comedians Know Every Other Comedian (Especially Famous Ones)
  • All Comedians Are Outgoing

Comedians Should Make People Laugh Anytime and Any Place

The biggest misconception that I have found that people have about comedians is that we are circus clowns meant to entertain at the drop of a hat. No one asks a doctor to perform surgery at a dinner party just to show them that he can do so. Most comedians get paid very little so asking them to do their show for free impromtuis very rude and dmeeaninf. We are not clowns here for your amusment. 

For example, when people find out I am a stand-up comedian they ask me to tell them a joke. I tell them that I only do jokes on stage and they should come to see me sometime or check out some of my stand-up on YouTube.

Most of the time this works however to pushing and won’t stop bothering you to tell a joke. Standup is not telling street jokes or knock-knock jokes it takes time, effort, and skill. So if you want to hear a comedian tell jokes, go to your local comedy club and support local comedy.

There is no replacement for live comedy. Once you experience it, you’ll be hooked. This is why it is important for people to consumer comedy in clubs, yards, bars, or any other place live stand up comedy is being performed. The audience is as much a part of a comedians act as the jokes are, maybe even more so.

All Comedians Can Get A Netflix Special

The worst thing you can say to an up and coming comedian is, “How come you don’t have a Netflix special?” That’s like asking everyone who has a business, “How come you aren’t a millionaire?” All comedians are not the same. Some don’t want Netflix specials, some just want to be able to travel and do stand up. That’s it.

Also not everyone is able to do Netflix specials, hence why they are special. You have to be established, most likely have been on TV or gone viral. Don’t ask comedians this, we already ask ourselves this everyday and trust me we hate the answer too.

This would be like asking a guy playing basketball in the park why he is not in the NBA or asking a chef why he doesn’t have his own TV show. Comedy is the most free art form both in content and pay. So enjoy comedians before they get famous because once you do it’ll cost you.

All Comedians Are Actors

Usually after people find out I am a comedian their next question is, “Would I have seen you in anything?” I am not an actor. In fact most of us are not actors. Some of us never want to be an actor. I know I don’t. I rather write and if I am lucky direct a comedy film, TV show, or web series. I am not an actor. Not even close.

Sure someone will argue that stand up and acting are related since most comedians do voices, act outs, and even pantomime acts on stage but I promise you Brad Pitt would be a better comedian than I would be as an actor.

This is not to say that many comedians would not want to act if given the chance, it just means that don’t assume that comedians are failed actors. Too often people think stand up comedy is a way to get into acting. Usually comedians make good actors because they know how to put their real thoughts and emotions into their work which makes them seem like actors.

Comedians Know Every Other Comedian (Especially Famous Ones)

Yes we all like famous comedians, especially new comedians. I mean most of us got into comedy because some other comedian inspired us. For me it was Chris Rock, George Carlin, Richard Pryor, Jim Gaffigan, Louis CK, and yes even Bill Cosby.

To me these guys were the pinnacle of comedy. I want to be just like them. Have I met a few famous comedians? Of course. Do I hang out with them and know them on a first name basis? No. I wish. (By the way if Chris Rock is reading this, I would love to get to know you on a first name basis and hang out with you. Bigger and Blacker is and will always be my favorite comedy special of all time.)

Comedians are on stage with a wide range of other comedians from other open mixers to the guy who just released a Netflix special. We do chat and their is professional courtesy but we usually don’t get to go from open mic comedian to best friends with Chris Rock.

The path of a comedian is also not straight so while open mic comedians may meet other famous comedians they may only do so in passing. So if you are a comedian don’t assume that since you were once on the same show and passed that famous comedian in the hall on the way to stage they know you, like you, or have even ever heard your material.

All Comedians Are Outgoing

So here’s the real deal. You know how most comedians are outgoing and funny…on stage? Yeah well most of us are not that outgoing in real life. Sure there are exceptions but most of us are introverted thinkers who rather read a book or write something alone than hanging out with a group of strangers.

We think about things, we internalize those things. Then we say those things on stage. That’s it. Offstage we try to be nice, but don’t be offended or upset when a comedian is not the life of the party. Sure we love laughs and we love fun but we will usually be the same kind of person who stood by the wall in the gym during prom.

Some of the funniest comedians on stage are some of the shyest people off stage. I have met a lot of very funny people who did not say two words to anyone after they left the stage. Comedy is often called stage therapy and for good reason, comedians will tell strangers things on stage they would never speak about off stage. Consider yourself lucky for getting tat experience because most of us are trying to get to the safety of our home as soon as we leave stage.

Comedians are very introverted. Sure we can be wild and wacky but you know those funny things they say, that comes from them sitting and thinking often for hours, days, months, or years. I would venture to say that most comedians are very intelligent and thoughtful, they just express that intelligence and those thoughts in very amusing and entertaining ways.

So there you have it, the truth about comedians. Comedians are people just like you. We just have a weird quirk that makes us want to get on a stage in front of strangers and try to make them laugh. It is the lifeblood of comedy. A laugh is like a drug. the more we get the more we crave.

James D. Creviston

James D. Creviston is a writer, blogger, comedian, and podcaster in Los Angeles. He is the producer of the wildly popular Clean Comedy Hour stand up show, as well as the co-host of The Clean Comedy Podcast. James has been doing stand up for the last three years and has performed in LA and NY at some of the hottest clubs. James is a former veteran of the United States Navy as well as a graduate of the University of Las Vegas, Nevada. He is an avid comic book, television, and movie nerd. James can be seen performing his clean comedy all over the United States and heard giving advice on his weekly podcast The Clean Comedy Podcast.

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